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Online test typing engine to check the typing skills

Online Typing Test Nowadays, typing is an essential skill, as almost everyone uses a computer in their daily life, and a good typing speed can save a lot of time for you. So if you have a good typing speed this could be…

Seo consultant: A highly sought profile !

Are you applying for a position as a SEO consultant for an SEO agency or for an e-commerce website? Here are some basic tips and useful information about the most sought-after profiles. Ready? First, make sure there are absolutely no spelling mistakes or…

The Fair for IT & Digital Professionals

TJF – Tech Jobs Fair is a job fair with a focus on IT and Digital founded by Ashok Dudhat. The first edition took place in Berlin in 2017. The following cities were Vienna, Zurich and Lisbon, all in 2019. TJF has had…

The Work From Home Life

Can you really earn a living from anywhere? Can you really make money online from your home while dressed in your pajamas? Or telecommute from a remote location on a tropical island? What if all you want to do is have a quiet space to…

The Secret Formula to Answering “What’s Your Dream Job?” in an Interview

It’s important to be able to articulate your dream job. Not just for personal reasons, but also for when you’re asked about it in interviews. But, how can you even begin to describe your ideal job, especially to someone who’s clearly going to be…
