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Archive of posts published in the category: Recruitment tips

Eight most common CV mistakes

1. Spelling mistakes and bad grammar A lack of attention to detail could outweigh your otherwise perfect CV. Spell-check doesn’t always spot errors and is unable to detect misuse of incorrect words, such as ‘diary’ being mistakenly spelt as ‘dairy’, so it’s always…

Disability and employment: creating the perfect CV

Having a powerful CV can make the difference between being rejected or being invited for interview, so it’s worth spending time on it to sell yourself as well as you can. Here, we go through each element of a CV in turn, but…

Hard Skills

What Are Hard Skills? Hard skills are learned abilities acquired and enhanced through practice, repetition, and education. Hard skills are important because they increase employee productivity and efficiency and subsequently improve employee satisfaction. However, hard skills alone don’t translate into business success as employees…

How to Write an Effective CV – 5 Steps From the Experts

You’ve seen an advertisement for your dream job. You want to send in your CV. But, you’ve got an old CV that you updated two years ago. What are you going to do? Follow these 5 steps so that your CV is the LAST one…

10 golden rules for writing your CV

The job market continues to remain highly competitive for candidates with employers often overwhelmed by the numbers of applications received for every vacancy. In today’s tough economic climate, finding a new job is onerous for most but fine-tuning your CV can help secure…
